Discipleship Explored Universal Leader's Guide

By Christianity Explored Ministries

Pure and Simple. Everyday English. Universally Accessible.

Part of the Discipleship Explored series.

Easy to read and understand, the Universal Edition is a great way for people to discover the best love God has given us in Jesus Christ.

The eight straightforward sessions can be used in regular Bible-study groups or with anyone who has recently completed Christianity Explored.  They can be used on their own, or alongside the Discipleship Explored DVD.

The study includes weekly Bible studies in Philippians, talk outlines and training material on how to unpack any deeper concepts that may arise.

This is a great resource for use one-to-one or in a small group. The studies are designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English, making them suitable for use with internationals who are learning English and for anyone else who appreciates really clear and simple language. Ideal for anyone who has recently completed a Christianity Explored course.

Download additional resource materials here.

Section 1: How to run the course
Planning your Discipleship Explored group
Preparing yourself and your co-leaders
Introducing Philippians
Running the sessions
What to do if...
Working with English speakers
Cross-cultural discipleship
You never stop learning to be a disciple

Section 2: Study Guide

Before We Begin
Week 1: How can I be sure I'm a Christian? - Philippians 1:1-11
Week 2: What am I living for? - Philippians 1:12-26
Week 3: Together for Christ? - Philippians 1:27 - 2:11
Week 4: How should I live for Christ? - Philippians 2:5-18
Week 5: Can I be good enough for God? - Philippians 3:1-9
Week 6: How can I know Christ better? - Philippians 3:10 - 4:1
Week 7: How can I rejoice in Christ? - Philippians 4:2-9
Week 8: How can I be content in Christ? - Philippians 4:10-23
Extra: An example to follow? - Philippians 2:19-30

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