I was raised as a Roman Catholic but had never read a Bible and didn’t know what Christianity was about. At 13, I began to question things. I didn’t really believe in God. At 14, I became very interested in Russia and its whole culture, researching Eastern Orthodox Christianity. I had a dislike of modern western culture and this is partially how I came to faith. I came to love the idea of Christianity. I still wasn’t saved and didn’t know that I had to be.
Then last year my life changed. I was introduced to Norman Mackay who had lived and worked in Russia. He knew about my obsession with Russian culture, and told me of his experience, and how he became a Christian. It all began to make sense. As I was listening to Norman’s story, something inside me just clicked, like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle had finally been put in place. He told me about Christianity Explored and how God was working in his life and how his life had changed.
After several one-on-one sessions studying Mark’s Gospel with Norman, I came to faith in Christ, and I thoroughly believed at that point that I was a born-again Christian.
My life couldn’t be better. I thank Jesus so much for his work in my life and his plans for me. I thank him so much for saving me from falling away with the world. I am 16 now and I am growing in Christ as each day goes by. No matter where you are in life, Christ always has a plan for you. You only have one life. Trust in Jesus and you will be saved.
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