Branding and promotional guidelines

We encourage all churches and individuals to promote their Christianity Explored Ministries courses as widely as possible, and want to support you in doing this as much as we can. These guidelines will help you to find and use the resources we offer.

Are you looking for the guidelines for Vox: Share what matters? Download here.

1. Logos

We have provided a suite of logos for you to use in promoting your course, all of which can be downloaded free from our Leader's Area. We would ask that you don't download or copy them from anywhere else, and that you don't edit or manipulate them in any way (eg distorting, rotating, re-colouring etc). The logos can be used as follows:

Christianity Explored Ministries
Christianity Explored
Life Explored
Hope Explored
Discipleship Explored
Youth and Children's

If there are any other logos that you would like to use, or you can't find what you are looking for, please email us at

Logo placement


2. Brand colours

Please use the colours above as follows: red for Christianity Explored, blue for Life Explored, green for Discipleship Explored, yellow for Hope Explored, and black for Christianity Explored Ministries.


3. Typography


This is the primary font that we advise to use when promoting a series from CEM. Where possible, please use this typeface, or a similar typeface.

4. Naming your course

Christianity Explored Ministries offers different series that are suitable for different settings. Your guests are likely to do some online research before coming to a course, so to make sure they find the right information, please take care to name your course accurately:

  • use Christianity Explored (or the abbreviation CE) when referring to the Christianity Explored  seven-session series in Mark's gospel. 
  • use Life Explored (or the abbreviation LE) when referring to the Life Explored eight-session series exploring the Bible story.
  • use Hope Explored (or the abbreviation HE) for the Hope Explored three-session series on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • use Discipleship Explored (or the abbreviation DE) for the Discipleship Explored eight-session series in Philippians.
  • use the Explored series as a collective name for our range of series (Christianity Explored, Life Explored, Hope Explored, Discipleship Explored).
  • use Christianity Explored Ministries (or the abbreviation CEM) when referring to our organisation based in the UK.

All of these names are protected by trademarks, so please don't use the names for anything other than the official series mentioned above. We know that some churches prefer to create their own evangelistic series, tailored to their particular context (for example four-week courses). We're delighted if the Christianity Explored Ministries materials are useful during the writing process of these, but if you have decided not to use the Christianity Explored Ministries's series as designed, please avoid using their names and branding as these are reserved for products that have been produced with the oversight of Christianity Explored Ministries. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback about any of our series', then please contact us at:

5. Social media

Social media is a great way to promote opportunities to explore the Christian faith, and we encourage churches and individuals to use their social media profiles to raise awareness of courses (for example with posts, adverts, events etc).

We understand that, in some circumstances, creating social media profiles (e.g. Facebook pages, Twitter accounts) for your CE/LE/HE/DE course is helpful. To avoid confusion with CEM's own social media channels and for fairness, we would ask that you use the series name followed by a '-' or 'at' and then your church name. Please avoid using a geographical place or region alone in the profile name (e.g. Christianity Explored London or Christianity Explored Mexico). For example, you could use:
‘[Series name] at [Church name] [Location]’ or ‘[Series name] - [Church name] [Location]’ or
'[Series name] - [Church name]
e.g. Christianity Explored at All Souls Langham Place London
Life Explored - Village Seven Presbyterian Church
If you have any questions about this, please get in touch with us at;

Please remember that when you use CEM's videos and imagery on social media, you should follow the brand guidelines on this page.

If you are promoting your course on social media you may wish to use the following hashtags relevant to the series you are running:


You can also tag our social media accounts in your posts:

Facebook: @ChristianityExplored
Twitter: @ChristExplored
Instagram: @christianityexploredministries

6. Use of promotional material (available from our Leader's Area)

Series films

The series films are available to watch on our Leader's Area so that leaders can see them in advance, and so that if one of your guests misses a week they can catch up. Please respect the films' copyright by not sharing them for other purposes, embedding them on other websites, or adding them to public YouTube playlists. 

It is not permitted to upload the films to any video-hosting platform or social media channel, or for the films to be used in any livestreams unless agreed in advance with the CEM team.

For queries, please contact:

What is Christianity? video

The What is Christianity? video is available to download free here. Separate guidelines for using it can be found there.

Invitations and posters

Invitations and posters are available to buy from The Good Book Company.

We have also made some of the posters, postcards and other promotional material available to download free from our Leader's Area. Please go ahead and use these in any way you like, but we would ask that you don't edit or manipulate the imagery or logos in any way.

If you have any queries, or if there is other imagery you would like to use, please contact

Promotional media files

The trailers of the series are available to download free from our Leader's Area. They can be used to promote your course (for example in church services, Sunday school etc), including for streaming. We ask that you credit the videos appropriately (for example, ‘With thanks to Christianity Explored Ministries’).

Please feel free to embed trailers on your website directly from any of our YouTube channels. You can also share our YouTube videos on your own social media channels.

The videos that are available for upload to your own social media channels and your own video hosting channels directly are:

  • Christianity Explored Leader’s Trailer (2016)
  • Christianity Explored Guest Trailer (2016)
  • About the Course (2016)
  • About the Course (for guests)
  • Life Explored Teaser Trailer (mp4 and mov versions)
  • Discipleship Explored Teaser Trailer
  • Discipleship Explored Extended Trailer
  • Hope Explored Trailer
  • Hope Explored Vox Pop Videos
  • SOUL leader's trailer

These videos can be downloaded free from our Leader's Area. Please do not edit or manipulate the videos in any way unless agreed with the CEM team, and don't forget to credit the videos appropriately (for example, ‘With thanks to Christianity Explored Ministries’). Any videos not listed above shouldn't be uploaded to social media or video-hosting channels, as this would be an infringement of copyright.

Please ensure that videos are titled correctly, and that video thumbnail images are also appropriate, with correct uses of logos/typography/imagery etc as per these guidelines. For example, do check that you don't upload a Christianity Explored trailer and label it ‘Life Explored’ with a Life Explored thumbnail.

Life Explored custom trailers are available from You can upload these videos to your own social media channels, including video hosting platforms. For these, please follow GoChatter's own guidelines and policies.

Our videos should not be ripped from the DVDs, or downloaded from other sources in other ways.

Sample presentation for online series

We are keen to support the increasing number of people who are using CEM materials online, on platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams etc. We have created a template slideshow presentation of session 1 which is available free from our Leader's Area. This can be edited with the content of other sessions where appropriate. If you would prefer to create your own slideshow presentation for your course you are welcome to download the CEM series logos, but please follow the guidelines on this page for using them.

7. Other Images

Please do not save images directly from our website or social media channels, and ensure that you have the correct permissions for any images that you use when promoting your Christianity Explored Ministries series.

If you require further assistance or have any questions then please contact and we'd be very happy to help.