Webinar: Sharing the Gospel with Cantonese Communities

Date and time:
10am - 11am (BST)/5pm - 6pm (GMT+8), Wednesday,
25 September 2024

In this special webinar, we invite you to join a conversation with a panel of experienced church leaders and volunteers who have been actively reaching out to Cantonese-speaking communities in the UK. They will share their experiences, insights, and the lessons they’ve learned, including how the Christianity Explored course in Cantonese has supported their outreach efforts. We’d love to invite anyone who feels called to reach Cantonese speakers with the Gospel in their cities or simply anyone who wants to learn more about this work.

What to expect:

  • Stories and testimonies: How to engage with Cantonese-speaking communities in culturally sensitive ways. Hear how the Lord is moving through the faithful witness of His people.
  • Practical ministry tools: Practical tips for ministering cross-culturally. Learn how to use the Christianity Explored course in Cantonese to foster deeper spiritual conversations.
  • Interactive Q&A: Engage with our panel of experienced church leaders and volunteers, ask questions and gain helpful recommendation for your outreach.

Who it’s for:

  • Church leaders who feel called to share the Gospel with Cantonese-speaking communities.
  • Evangelists and ministry workers who are looking for ways to engage Hong Kong immigrants.
  • Lay leaders who are passionate about sharing the Gospel with their Cantonese communities.

Why attend: This webinar will provide you with the encouragement and practical tools you need to begin or strengthen your outreach to Cantonese speakers.

Register to confirm your place. You will receive the online link to the webinar in your confirmation email. The webinar will be conducted in English and is completely free, with a download link for the Christianity Explored course in Cantonese.

Can’t join us live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording.